5 Tips and Tricks to Make Moving a Breeze

5 Tips and Tricks to Make Moving Homes a Breeze

Let’s be real: moving to a new house or apartment can be a hassle. While it’s a big and exciting life event, packing up all your belongings and wrangling your solid wood bed frame up multiple flights of stairs is enough to make anyone want to give up.


But who says you can’t make your move easy and fun? With these five quick tricks (and some help from Plank+Beam furniture), you’ll be all settled into your place in no time:


1. Ditch the clutter

2. Measure everything

3. Find your style

4. Stay organized

5. Recruit some help


Before you start packing up, let’s get into these easy tips to de-stress the moving process.


1. Out with the Old, In with the New: Ditch the Clutter

Moving is the perfect excuse to finally tackle that ever-growing pile of "stuff." You know, the clothes you haven't worn in years, the chipped mugs you keep meaning to replace, the exercise equipment gathering dust in the corner (we've all been there!).  Think of your new place as a blank canvas – a space to create a home that reflects who you are now.


Instead of dragging that old console table that's seen better days to your new place, why not invest in something new that you'll absolutely love?


At Plank+Beam, we take the stress out of moving and shopping for furniture. We offer beautiful solid wood furniture that we ship right to your door – seriously, even up to your third floor apartment – to ease the moving process. So ditch the worn-out pieces and get ready to fall in love with your new space all over again.


mcm dining table and solid wood dining chairs


2. Don't Wing It: Measure Everything

Nobody wants to get to their new space only to discover their beloved (but giant) solid wood dining table can't navigate the narrow hallway.


Here's the golden rule for a stress-free move: measure everything. Measure your new space, doorways, hallways, and yes, even your furniture.  This might seem tedious, but trust us, a little pre-planning can save you a world of frustration (and potentially a broken door frame).


Consider opting for furniture that comes in easy-to-assemble pieces. Pre-assembled furniture might look tempting, but it can be a gamble when it comes to tight spaces. Plank+Beam furniture is designed for spaces of any size. Our solid wood pieces come in manageable sections that are easy to transport and put together. No more wrestling with bulky furniture that's bound to get stuck.


king size walnut bed frame with bedroom bench and bedside table


3. Channel Your Inner Designer: Find Your Style

Moving is your chance to create a home that truly reflects your personal style. Gone are the days of mismatched furniture from college roommates. Now's the time to get creative and design a space that makes you feel happy and inspired.


If you're moving in with a significant other or roommate, things might be a little trickier. How do you find furniture that speaks to everyone's taste? Plank+Beam offers a solution: beautiful, versatile wood pieces, from solid wood coffee tables to entryway tables, that complement a variety of styles. Classic, modern, rustic, mid-century – you name it, we've got something for everyone.


solid wood coffee table with two black side tables


4. Chaos Be Gone: Stay Organized

Moving can easily turn into a game of "where'd that box with all my socks go?".  Don't let your small essentials become casualties of the move. This is where storage furniture comes in.


Solid wood dressers and nightstands with drawers are lifesavers.  Pack their drawers up with clothes, books, dishes, any smaller items you need to keep safe and sound during the move. Bonus points: they minimize the need for tons of moving boxes so you can maximize your packing efficiency.


solid wood 6 drawer dresser in blonde


5. Friends Don't Let Friends Move Alone: Recruit Some Help

Moving is a marathon, not a sprint. Trying to tackle it all by yourself is a recipe for exhaustion and frustration. So, grab a friend (or two!) to help you out. Having a buddy by your side can not only speed up the process but also make it a whole lot more fun. Plus, pizza and good company are the perfect way to celebrate a successful move-in.


Here's the best part: Plank+Beam furniture is designed for easy assembly with just two people. So, you and your friend can tackle putting everything together quickly and easily, leaving you more time to relax and enjoy your new place.


solid wood bed frame with two solid wood bedside tables


With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to a smooth and successful move. Now, let’s touch on some other questions you may have about your move.



What do you need to know before starting to move?

First, consider some big picture factors, such as whether you want to hire movers or move everything with the help of some friends. This will affect your budget and how much time you'll need.

Next, make a plan. Inventory your stuff, ditch what you don't need, and collect packing supplies. Finally, don't forget the logistics: update your address, transfer utilities, and book that moving truck (or those helpful movers). Feeling prepared will make your move a breeze.


How early should you start packing for a move?

The sooner you tackle those boxes, the smoother your move will be. Ideally, give yourself a good chunk of time to declutter and pack – ideally about four to six weeks. This lets you avoid last-minute scrambling and gives you a chance to ditch anything you don't need anymore.


How can you make moving less stressful?

Moving doesn't have to be a total nightmare. First, relax – everything will be okay. Then, make a plan. Grab some boxes, label everything clearly, and start packing those rarely used rooms early on. Decluttering as you go saves space and time. Don't be afraid to ask friends for help and consider hiring movers for the heavy stuff if your budget allows. Remember, a smooth move is a happy move.


We've walked you through the essentials of a seamless move. Moving might never become your favorite pastime, but with a bit of planning, the right furniture (like Plank+Beam's easy-to assemble pieces), and perhaps a friend or two, it can become a lot less daunting. Think of it as the ultimate opportunity to refresh, reinvent, and re-energize your living space.


When all is said and done, kicking back in your new home will make every bit of effort worth it. Here's to making your next move smooth, worry-free, and maybe even a little bit fun. Cheers to new beginnings!


Ready to start prepping for your move? Assemble, disassemble, and move your furniture worry-free when you shop solid wood furniture from Plank+Beam. (P.S. if you read this far, use code PLANKANDBEAM15 for 15% off Angi assembly services for our furniture)